The next step is the connecting of the non-dualistic metaphysics with the ethics of non-injury. All three premises are argued for separately and step by step in the book, so if they appear to be dogmatic in this formulation that is because I am trying to create an appetite for getting down to the business of grappling with RCG’s logico-phenomenological argument directly, first hand. I read the first edition off and on for the last 25 years, and have also written and spoken about it. My second reading of Ramchandra Gandhi’s I am Thou:Meditations on the Truth of India, on the occasion of the recent release of its second edition (AFAL, India 2011), has yielded this deep sense of amazement, awe, and bewilderment. With these two moves, from philosophy of language (the performative phenomenology of Addressing) to metaphysics (Advaita) and then, from metaphysics to Ethics (Ahimsa), RCG expects to build a foundation for meditating on the Truth of India, through fearlessly unfashionable and politically daring but not faddishly ‘P.C.’ positions on the caste, untouchability, dalit issue (See ‘Why didn’t Dr. Ambedkar visit Tiruvannamalai ?(4)), the future of Sikhism, the possibility of an Abrahamic Advaits, and controversial takes on Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Indian Islam, Parsi identity and eventually to a Ramakrishna Paramhansa inspired syncretism.
Another issue with celluloid billiard balls was they were unstable. Since a gas tends to be relatively low density, we can treat the atoms or molecules almost as billiard balls that bounce against each other. RCG did take liberties with how much weight of long compounds and parenthetical clauses English idiom can take. They do not keep their shine as long and wear out much faster. And to keep it dry down into the basement, they had a dike around it. Intuitively it seems that the force exerted by the hammer will causally influence the ball’s subsequent motion. When force (such as electrostatic, magnetic, and gravitational forces) can act at a distance (through space, without mechanical contact), the objects subject to such forces are said to be in a potential energy field. You can see why I’m saving the notion of experimental results for later essays. It’s equivalent to the worst horror scene for a child and why that causes ’em to totally avoid a certain area of their personality. They do blah blah blah and I think it’s funny when Greg Jenkins is saying, "Well, you have to say, you have to calculate how much energy would be required to dustify the towers." But why?
But this book was not only his thought experiment, it was an experiment in book design (which I still think failed), and an experiment also with Sanskrit-saturated English which Ramu bhai refused to be apologetic about. One is relieved that Ramu bhai did not stoop to a ‘chin’ to ‘chinmaya’ slippage of associative thinking. This globalist conception can be contrasted with one according to which the laws of physics are understood as rules governing localized subsystems of the universe (Ismael 2016; see also Cartwright 1999). Defenders of the latter conception would argue not only that it can more easily accommodate causal reasoning than the globalist picture but also that it fits the day-to-day practice of most of physics considerably better than the globalist conception. In discussing the role of causation in physics or in our conception of the world more generally we may be engaged in several different philosophical projects (Woodward 2014): a metaphysical project, a descriptive project, and what Woodward calls a "functional project". Maudlin (2007) points out that on reading (ii) premise 2 is false, since not all the fundamental laws of physics are in fact time-reversal invariant.
4. Causal relations are relations among spatio-temporally localized events, yet fundamental physical laws relate entire global time-slices. What is it for laws to have the same character in the future and past directions? By the same token, configurations are not propositions, not statements, not ways the world could conceivably be. Saluc even weights each ball to match it with other balls of similar weights to ensure each ball in a set weighs the same. And what is most surprising for me is that this sense of past - sometimes even present - incomprehension makes me feel intellectually richer, What are billiard balls made of not poorer. Yet this is compatible with allowing for much more complex and fine-grained underlying structures, which are causal in a non-pragmatic (or at least less pragmatic) sense of "cause". A market is in equilibrium if it "clears", this means that the quantity people want to buy at a given price equals how much people want to sell. It is as much a moral offense to take as infantile fantasy the many-centredness of the Non-Dual Atman, as it is to treat as hard reality the illusion of Other Individuals.